Software for LASSO-CACTI
LASSO-CACTI Code Repositories
Codes used to pre-process data, run the WRF simulations, and work with the model output are available in git repositories at Table 37 lists the primary repositories of interest to users. Additional repositories are available on the site with code used more specifically for preparing and staging data for ARM infrastructure purposes.
Name |
Description |
automate_meso |
A series of scripts used to simplify running the mesoscale ensembles |
cacti_notebook_library |
Library of example Jupyter notebooks for LASSO-CACTI, described below |
lasso-wps-cacti |
WPS code modified for LASSO-CACTI |
lasso-wrf-cacti |
WRF code modified for LASSO-CACTI |
subsetwrf |
Python code to subset variables and add additional diagnostics from the raw wrfout files, described below |
Sample Jupyter Notebooks
A selection of sample Jupyter notebooks are available to help users work with LASSO-CACTI data. These notebooks serve as a starting point which users can customize to meet various needs. Examples of these notebooks include versions to plot skew-T log-P diagrams, cross-sections through the model domain, and contour plots on maps.
The library of sample notebooks is pre-staged on the global filesystem at /gpfs/wolf/atm123/world-shared/cacti/beta_release/notebooks
and can also be found in the repository. The available notebooks are listed in Table 38.
The initial notebook library is provided by the LASSO team. We hope that over time this software library will grow to include community contributions to demonstrate additional plotting approaches and processing workflows, both using Jupyter and code directly run from the command line. Interested contributors can contact for more information.

Figure 29 Simulated column-maximum reflectivity (dBZ) from domain D4 of the EDA05 base simulation at 29-Jan-2019 20:15 UTC. Code to generate this plot is in the plot_map_scalar.ipynb notebook. Black contours show the terrain at 500, 1000, 1500, and 2000 meters. The white star indicates the AMF location. Code to reproduce this plot is in plot_map_scalar.ipynb.
Filename |
Description |
plot_map_scalar.ipynb |
Shows various ways to plot scalar variables on a map using LASSO-CACTI subset files |
plot_map_vectors.ipynb |
Shows various ways to plot wind vectors from the LASSO-CACTI subset files |
plot_snd.ipynb |
Shows how to use metpy to plot soundings and hodographs comparing data from the LASSO-CACTI subset files with observed ARM soundings |
plot_snd_fromwrfout.ipynb |
Similar to plot_snd.ipynb, but uses raw wrfout files for input |
plot_timeseries.ipynb |
Shows how to connect subset files in time and plot a time series at a given location using xarray |
plot_xsec_scalar.ipynb |
Shows examples of different ways to plot X-Z cross sections of LASSO-CACTI subset data |

Figure 30 Skew-T log-P and hodograph plots from the ARM radiosonde and LASSO-CACTI WRF simulation on 29-Jan-2019 15 UTC from ensemble member EDA09, domain D4. For the skew-T, black=observed profile, orange=WRF profile following sonde track, blue=WRF profile at fixed launch location. Colors on the hodographs and sonde location plots show the height of the sonde over time in pressure (hPa). The sonde location plot shows the spatial path of the sonde with height contours in gray. Code to reproduce this plot is in plot_snd.ipynb.
Subset WRF Tool
The subsetwrf
tool, available at, automates extraction of selected variables from the raw WRF output. This software is what produced the various “subset” file types available with LASSO-CACTI. Users preferring a different grouping of subsetted variables than those already available can run subsetwrf
themselves to optimize their particular workflows. Note that this will require first downloading the full raw WRF output files, but it can make subsequent analyses easier by reducing the file sizes for plotting, etc.
The core of this software library is, which is controlled through a combination of command line arguments and an input YAML file that contains the list of variables to extract from the wrfout files. Optionally, variables can be interpolated from raw model levels to levels defined by pressure, height above ground, or height above mean sea level.
The git repository contains the YAML files for the variable groupings used with LASSO-CACTI. For example, met.yaml, metOnHagl.yaml, metOnHamsl.yaml, and metOnP.yaml define the particular variable groupings for the meteorological state variables on the various vertical-level options.
Specifics regarding the command line arguments for can be found in the README file.
Note that subsetwrf
uses a combination of Python and Fortran code. One must first run numpy.f2py prior to running The specific command is
python -m numpy.f2py -c module_diag_functions.f90 -m diag_functions --f90flags='-fopenmp' -lgomp
Also, since is often applied across many WRF output files, an additional tool called is provided that generates the commands necessary to submit a chain of commands using a Slurm job array. This permits users to parallelize the subsetting process across a pre-selected number of compute nodes. By setting the maximum permitted node count, users can control how much of the cluster is used at a time, thus ensuring sufficient nodes are left to share with other users.
Control of the Slurm task count is done by adjusting the --array
option within the Slurm submission script produced by The general syntax of this command is
# SLURM --array=<start>-<end>%<max tasks>
where the “start” and “end” integers define the first and last task numbers to process from the input task file, and “max tasks” is the maximum number of tasks to permit at a given time.
Instructions for running can be found at the top of the file. Most inputs are controlled via an input YAML file that identifies which WRF output files to subset.